Hi. I need you to not stay in your lane. Too many people are not even in a lane...or maybe they are run over by the monstrous atrocities being implemented around the world!!!!!! Thank you for writing. Keep it coming. Release it ALL. Please.

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Love seeing your insights and openness. Following you as a fellow small business owner.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for speaking out about the horrors happening in Palestine. One activist said, “if you’ve ever wondered what you would’ve done in the Civil Rights era…” ♥️ In other news, my kids think your cherries/pits double bowl is absolute magic, and so do I.

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When I was in college and feeling anxious/overwhelmed, I used to write a “Things that suck” list. I’d write it out fully (no censoring!) and then go back and next to each line write a but...and look for the silver lining. It made me feel so good! Your list reminded me of this practice. I might start doing it again!

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I love that! Like a different version of the grateful list except with more specificity and realness! As a small business I can't do it all, but it's a good reminder to celebrate mini accomplishments with mini fails.

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